holidays up north

sloane and i traveled north this december to spend the holiday in rhode island and vermont.  below are some images from our travels.  click on an image to view it larger.

the family in rhode island

the ottauquechee river flows past the old mill building that houses simon pearce glass studio, restaraunt, and show room.

the tree in vermont

dinner at simon pearce

dinner at simon pearce

the new re-enforced quechee covered bridge, the old one was severely damaged by flood waters during tropical storm irene in 2011.

the town of woodstock, vt from the top of mount tom

brendan and i went snow shoeing in vt - but it was more like ice shoeing

a corral along the hike up mt tom, in vt

the little bit of sun we saw in vt - peeking through the clouds.  view from mt. tom

meg, brad and baden 

meg, brad and baden 

along the hike up mt tom

old fashioned light painting by the vincents - at our new years party in chucktown